Our improved product search engine gives you plenty of ways to find the parts you need! The most popular items we have to offer can be sorted by best sellers or by the most viewed products, while a new “Shop by Brand” option makes it easier to find the latest parts from the manufacturers you know and trust.
We've revamped our website to offer multiple product views, “Also Fits” information, and an “Ask a Tech” feature to help you make sure you've found the correct part before you order it. Meanwhile, enhanced account management features let you update information, track orders, build and modify a wish list, and more, all from the comfort and convenience of your computer.
We've done a complete rebuild of our Shopping Cart feature, making it easier to work with special items such as oversize or overweight products. Furthermore, if you already have part numbers in mind, a more advanced Express Order Form provides a virtual express lane to breeze through the checkout process.
The new website continues to use the finest SSL security protocols in the industry, with state-of-the-art encryption, extended validation to trigger the green address bar for high-security browsers, and daily malware scans to allow customers to shop with the confidence that their information is secure.
Expanded social media features let you keep in touch with Classic Industries with updates on the latest news, videos, and features. You can also check out our news and media site, easily accessible from the main page, or by going directly to news.classicindustries.com, for the latest news and events from your partner in restoration.